On the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft we'll discuss Why 2b2t's Bats Are Going Extinct, and EXACTLY how many remain. Get Honey for FREE today - https://joinhoney.com/fitmc Honey finds coupons with one click. Thanks to Honey for sponsoring! My Twitter: https://twitter.com/FitMC My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitmcsippycup Additional Thanks: The 256k WDL Project Original Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/2b2t/comments/t287n9/1170gb_of_2b2t_256000%C2%B2_mapping_project_info/ The 2b2t Mapping Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIWor-c2H24 skullerg, courier6 (Information) Music: homieonice (Instagram) DKC (Jammin' Sam Miller remasters) Banjo Tooie If you enjoyed this video about Why 2b2t's Bats Are Going Extinct, I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button! This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, hardcore, Mr. Beast, "minecraft but" or any of those other topics.